Sex with Hookers - in Pattaya Thailand

..SEX with HOOKERS , Women , Girls (20yrs and over) ..... any which way ....... every day : )
Sex with Hookers - Pattaya
Beer Bars - Go-Go Bars - Disco's - Massage Parlours
GUIDE only :
Use the information below as a broad guide only.
It will be helpful in getting you started.
I personally visit Thailand as much as possible , and then update the info below. Otherwise updates are based on proven reliable sources.
About a 1.5/2hrs drive from Bangkok , Pattaya is a seaside town , with a difference. Wall to wall beer bar pussy , in a relaxed 'open air' environment. Most of the time , no high rises hovering over you and nowhere near the vehicular traffic of its bigger sin sister, Bangkok. Space you have got a plenty. Principally a Beer Bar town with plenty of Go-Go's, Disco's , Freelance Spots and an adequate supply of Sex Massage Parlours. Everything that Bangkok has got but not more. Only more in respect of Beer Bars and relaxed atmosphere , has it got more. Big spenders say your 'slumming' when in Pattaya : )
A great twin act, bouncing betweeen Bangkok and Pattaya. Once you have experienced Bangkok and Pattaya you have seen a big chunk of Thailands sex scene. Everything after Bangkok and Pattaya pales by comparison. Patong (Phuket) and Chiangmai etc fans might disagree however. But for full on sex opportunities, the sin cities of Bangkok and Pattaya can not be beaten.
UPDATES : Reviewed March 2013
"Reviewed" means info re-read and adjusted where necessary.
NOTE : The original Thai 1/2am curfew for nightspots , varies a bit from town to town , nowadays. But the authorities seem to focus mainly on the 'lewd' GoGo Bars. Pattaya's Beer Bars and GoGo Bars , officially close 1/2am. Freelancers on the street and Disco's circumvent these hours and go to 5am in some cases. There are other establishments that 'bend the rules' , sometimes only temporarily , until they are caught up with. Thailands and thus Pattaya's sex scene is ever fluid/spermatic : )
WARNING : Do not travel to Pattaya during Songkran Water (New Year) Festival , 13th to 19th April every year. Google , just in case date change. Very few ladies on offer during the water wars. They go back to their home province to celebrate New Year or stay indoors (Pattaya) during this period. Few days before 13th girls might head off for home province. Two or three days after 19th they might have come out of hiding (room) and/or returned from their home province.
Water wars are fun for Thais and a minority of foreigners , a nuisance for majority of mongers. Day time 12noon to 6pm , official water wars times. But some farangs ignore this and dump water in the evenings. Night before last day of water wars EVERYONE dumps water day AND night !
WHEN TO GO ? : All year round (except Songkran , see above) Pattaya is full of action. High Season : December to Feb/March , accommodation will most probably be harder to get , and cost you a little more , and the place in general , is very crowded. For me , exciting , any time of the year. Say May to October you might have more bargaining power (less punters).
Pattaya Sex Venues :
Overall - the Beer Bar girls and Freelance girls , eg at Disco's , represent the best value. Go-Go girls in Pattaya are developing a Short Time mentality (runner) , even if you have paid for Long Time. In fact , long time is becoming 'out of fashion'. Add to that GoGo prices are inflating at a fast rate. Blame the 'tourist' types for inflating prices.
Beer Bars for Young Women and Hookers :
Most Beer Bars (BB's) are up and running by 2pm , best chicks sometimes come later , eg 4/5pm. Like other nightlife venues , BB's are required to close at 1am , but some switch off the lights and the music and continue trading until 2am (exceptions , ie longer , and only if customers around). Pattaya is the biggest beer bar scene in Thailand , and there is nothing like it in the Philippines either. Beer Bars are everywhere in Pattaya , you can't miss them.
The currency quoted on this website is the Thai Baht. For conversion to your local currency refer to :
Average prices :
Note : Prices in red light districts do not remain static. Tendency is up , of course. Thanks to tourist types and mug punters : ) Use the following as a guide ...
YD (Your Drink) = Baht 60 or more ..........BF (BarFine) Baht 300 (Beer Bars). This includes the use of short time rooms on their premises , or you can take them away to your hotel if you like . .........ST fee girl expects : Baht700 in addition to the Bt300 bar fine. Trend is for girl to ask for Bt1000 , resist this. Baht Young guy 500 , old guy 700 , sucker 1000 : ) ........LT 1000/1500 (usually latter). As you can see , cheaper than Bangkok. ST = short time 1 pop , eg 1 - 2 hrs , LT = long time , ie , all night , eg 8pm to 8am. But they might do a runner if they are not enjoying your company , or think they can earn more by returning to their bar. Clarify in front of Mama-san what time she is going to spend with you.
The typical beer bars , where you will pay these prices , are located in Soi.6 (specialsing in blow jobs) , also Soi's 7 and 8 , and just about everywhere else in Pattaya. Beer Bars are EVERYWHERE in Pattaya. ` Many places will try and extract more than 'average' prices from you though : ) Rule No.1 ... ask "How Much" before each and every transaction.
All of this info belongs to :
Note : Street numbers start in the North (Bangkok end) and increase as one heads in a Southerly (towards Walking St) direction.
The following is taken as a 'crawl' , starting in the South (Walking St end) , action end , and walking towards the North. Further North = less action.
Walking Street Beer Bars :
For me best , cause whilst at bar you can observe the action in Walking Street itself. Most beer bars are open to the street = good viewing.
7pm to 3am vehicular traffic is not allowed inside this area , hence name : Walking Street. Most , if not all sex venues in this street stay open to 3am nowadays. Some beyond that.
"Simon Bar" Complex is huge , with about 15/20 seperate beer bars employing approx 15 girls in each bar. They seemed a bit on the youngish side. Can be quite a lively area. At time of my visit about 150 girls but only 15 customers in total. Location : Same side as Marina Bar (see Marine Disco notes below) but a little further South , along walking street. Beer Bt70. Update .. Last and most recent trip , still there , sometimes a bit quiet , other times quite busy. Seemed more like 300 girls and some quality ones too.
"Freelancer Bar" near Marine Complex/Disco (on same side near the tree) has seen better days. Not so popular now. Reportedly girls pushy for Ladies Drinks etc. The name itself is misleading cause it is not a place where you pick up Freelancers. They have their own website : So many bars , so little time. Think you can safely ignore this bar nowadays.
There are many , repeat many , other big and small Beer Bars in Walking Street and streets running off Walking St , eg near the Tourist Info Office , at southern start of beach road itself , near large 'Walking St' archway. Beer Bars are 'in ya face' , everywhere you go : )
So , from Simon Bar Walking Street , you start to walk in a Northerly/Bangkok direction , and you come across a myriad of beer bars. Southern end is the action end , start there and walk away from it to as far as say Soi.6 (see below). It's quite some distance.
Soi BJ :
Yes , officially called that , its on the govt street sign post for all to see , but alas to date no BJ Bars to my knowledge. Multi national/sexual .... global conglomerate ..... ....... is contemplating establishing the first bj bar in this soi , calling it 'Vacancy' .. "For the best job in town" ....... joking : )
Soi 13/4 (Soi Pattayaland .2.) :
This is more of a GoGo Street (see GoGo below) but still has Beer Bars just like just about every other Soi/Street in Pattaya.
Soi. 13/3 Pattayaland 1. :
"Billion Bar" is another BJ Bar. Do not expect movie stars , at this or any other bj bar : )
Blow job bars .... Make sure bj is : 1. without condom , 2. no extra room charge , and then ask "how much" before surrendering your dick for 'dry cleaning'. Otherwise girl might say after the deed "without condom"/"with room" ... extra !.
Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office) Blow Job Bars -
This is a "Blow Job" street of sorts , where most bars open around 2pm on'. Usually condoms are not requested. Try Bars : "Pump Station" , "Spricy" , "Golden Girls" (2nd Flr) which are all not far from each other. All offer exclusive BJ action. Pump Station is long established and well known. Spricy is fairly popular. Do not expect movie stars here either , or any bj bar for that matter : ) Beware of the possibility that a katoey (transvestite) might be working in one of these or any other bj bar , in Pattaya.
Average prices : There is some variation in respect of what is charged at these places. Baht500/700 for girl and I have heard they charge an additional Bt375 for a room. Most places room not necessary. Bt700 does the trick and incl's (or should incl) room. Tip to girl , only if fully satisfied ... Bt100. Do not accept 'with condom' , that silliness must not be encouraged. Basic question before agreeing : "How much" Really BJ's are crazy price nowadays. Why not short time a babe from a beer bar for Baht500/700 making sure she agrees to bj and fuck , arranged before you pay the bar fine. Beer bar prices above.
Advantage of bj bars .. deed can be done in public area (for exhibitionists) and usually without condom. And , 'quick relief' . Plus theoretically these girls are better at bj cause they get a lot of practice : )
An additional tip of Baht100 for the girl is of course optional , depending if you were happy with her 'service' : ) In some cases the deed is done at cut outs in the Bar or on the Couches , in full view of others if that is what you like. Otherwise in private rooms on the premises.
All of this info belongs to :
BEER BARS (not specificially blow job bars) :
Try briefly all of the following , then return to your favourite Soi/Street ......
Soi.8 Beer Bar Street :
Girls sit around at tables , waiting for customers. Customer chooses a girl , she comes sits and chats with customer. See "Average prices" above. Soi.8 is some distance from the Walking Street action , where there are a lot of Beer Bars too. Beer Bars are everywhere , in Pattaya. You dont have to find them , they will find you. There might be a GoGo bar or two in this Soi , also.
This Soi.8 area suits those who like to keep away from touristy Walking St (WS). However , in WS , whoring outweighs tourists especially 12 midnight on' , and Walking St is more exciting , especially for a voyeur/pervo like me : )
Soi.7 Beer Bar Street :
Also popular. If you have gone as far as Soi 8 , might as well have a look at Soi.7 whilst in the area. Same prices as Soi.8. Your sweetheart might be sitting in Soi.7 waiting for you : ) Possibility of one or two GoGo bars in this Soi , also.
Soi. 6 Blow Job Bars :
Beer bar or blow job bar street ? Its both , in reality , but primarily designed for guys looking for a blow job.
Open 1pm to 1am. 4/5pm on , best time. Maybe 6/7pm at its peak. After 12 midnight , fades. Full sex of course available too.Short time rooms on the premises. Myself I would not offer any more than Bt1000 (Bt700 girls Bt300 for room) for great sex followed by a great blow job. But hey , you can get that for Bt500 off Beach Road girls : )
It's a very long walk from Soi 8/7 area , take a motorcyc taxi to Big C , then walk down it from 2nd road end. One of the big features about this Soi is sex is available during the day. "My friend You" , "Full Moon" , "Night Wish" , Lick Bar , King Kong and Roxy Bar , come to mind , but names change. "Red Point" is popular too. Drinks in vicinity of Bt70.
Do not expect movie stars in Soi.6. but blow jobs should be good cause they get a lot of practice : )
Caution : Before handing over any money , make sure it's without condom ("no condom , ok" ?) , otherwise young gal might try and trick you after the deed saying "without condom is extra" : ) And make sure your choice is not a katoey (she-man) , some places employ them.
For BJ Bars , dont forget ... the more convenient Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office) also has bj bars.
Buffalo Bar :
Read Update , before going to Buffalo Bar.
This is a slightly upmarket Beer Bar with upmarket prices (higher than that quoted above). Isolated on its own. A bit out of the way , and maybe not worth going to nowadays ? Update : Reports coming in , say its not what it used to be. Not a 'must see' place anymore. Maybe a brief personal check will do no harm. This is what I wrote before it reportedly went downhill :
"Located between Soi Boengkoet & The Village on Pattaya 3rd Rd. See website: and a map re its location. First motorcycle taxi driver I approached knew the place and took me there with no hassles. On your first visit ask for calling card , which has directions written in Thai , for any motorcyc taxi driver/whoever , in the future , who might not know the place. Update : They should all know it nowadays.
If you can't access internet map/instructions , here are mine , for what they are worth : There is Beach Rd , Pattaya 2nd Rd and Pattaya 3rd Rd , all running roughly north south. Get into 3rd Rd and heading from a Southerly direction to a Northerly one , you pass over the main intersection , South Pattaya Rd (running 'east-west') and pass on your right 'The Village' , admittedly I never saw it : ) Just past the Village and on your right hand side , up high in the air , is a sign 'Buffalo Bar'. Presuming you can not stretch your neck to see that , just back from the road about 15mtrs , in a little alcove/side road off 3rd Rd , is a neon lit place called 'The Castle'. Just to the left of that , on the other side of a small dirt lane , is a vegetation (bushes , small trees) covered bamboo style hut. Update : Castle is no longer there. Enter into this 'jungle' and you have entered Buffalo Bar. There is a sign on the building , but the shrubbery is partially covering the sign.
When I visited , quite a lot of foreigners were there , ie , popular. See Update , above ('downhill').
BB is set back from the road and accompanying pollution/noise. Has a tropical hut look about it , surrounded by greenery. Inside the atmosphere was good , when I called , and about 30/40 or more girls were in employ. Beer Bt45 (60 now days ?) , Ladies Drink Bt75 (increased lately ?). First night I called before 8pm and only saw 4's and 5's dressed in trousers. Next time I called after 8pm and saw mini skirted girls , at least five of which were 7's.
I was told ST is Bt300 bar fine and Bt1000 to the girl. LT Bt475 Bar Fine and Bt1500 to the girl. These prices seem a bit over the top for Pattaya. Not sure if you'd have to pay that much for a girl there. Maybe I forgot to gargle my mouth with Listerine ? : ) Worth a visit for your own assessment. Everything on this website is subjective ... its always "up to you". UPDATE : Grapevine is telling me its now : Bt600 Bar Fine , and Bt1500 for Short Time on the premises ? These are nearing GoGo Bar prices. And costs even more if you take them away from the premises. Obviously some suckers have been paying these prices at Buffalo , and now everyone has to pay them ! ?
After a third visit (before recent price increases) I gave BB a 7 rating , which means , one of the better bars in Pattaya (See Update above). I will certainly return to BB one of these days. I liked the karma/atmosphere and the occasional pretty girl. Most seemed to have good vibes and were 'non commercial' , ie , not pushy. But the acid test is when you take them back to your room. On that particular trip , I did not take any girl from BB. UPDATE : Maybe Buffalo not so good nowadays , some negative reports coming in. Often a sex establishment starts out with a flourish then starts slipping down the slippery slope to nowhere : ) Even so , worth a visit , just in case reports wrong. Nice ambience and girls when I was there.
Much easier to find is Walking St (beer bars) , cause it finds you : )
The Castle : Mentioned in notes re Buffalo Bar above. Not a beer bar , a bondage place. Next door to BB. Bt900 entrance ( = 1 drink) , plus thousands if you want the works. For the mentally deranged only : ) UPDATE : Maybe this place has now crashed/closed. Not enough depraved persons/customers : ) Check google.
The Castle : If facing Buffalo Bar , to your right is d' Castle , described as a "Fetish Club". Maybe this one has closed down (?). For full details check website :
Lolita's BJ Bar - Soi L K Metro :
I must check out , once again , the Soi L K Metro area. They say its something like Walking Street in the old days. Less crowded , less commercial. I doubt it , but curiosity requires me to revisit the area and report back.
Lolita's :
Update : Lolita's has closed down and looking for new premises.
Before its closure , this is what I wrote :
Sister operation to Lolita's in Bangkok : Some distance from the 'action'. Motorbike taxis know it. If walking , say from Lek Hotel (see accom , best Buffets ever) in Soi 12 , head north along Second Road (get free tourist map at booth , located start of Walking St , ie , Northern end of W. St). Turn right into Soi Diana (see Diana Hotel on corner). Walk up Soi Diana some distance and turn into first Soi on your left , Soi LK Metro (strange name) where you'll find Lolita's on the left. The building itself is a bit upmarket compared to the other bj bars.
As with all BJ Bars , do not expect gorgeous women : ) Baht700 incl's room. But now that other BJ Bars in Pattaya are charging an additional Bt300 for room , check this angle out before you commit. If you want , Baht 100 tip to girl if good. Similar girls as in their Bangkok Bar , they rotate between bangkok and pattaya , apparently. Pic of the building in "Fishin for Fun - 2" link/page in Diaries section of this website. It's some way to go if on foot from say Walking St area , more convenient is Soi 6 and/or Soi 13/2 BJ Bars.
Bliss Lounge : is somewhere near LK Metro (3rd Road ?). Gaining popularity. Google it.
The Soi LK Metro area ,eg , Queens Club , might be worth checking out nowadays. Expanding at a steady rate.
Devils Den (near Lolita's) :
Website :
Hours : Monday to Sat , 1pm to 12 midnight.
This is not a BJ Bar or a Beer Bar , its almost identical in operation to that of Edens Club in Bangkok (Toys , twin leso act etc). Different owners/management , however. See Bangkok notes for Edens modus operandi. Devils Den is listed here cause its in the same Soi as Lolita's (listed above). Apparently you walk to the end of Lolita's Soi (Soi LK Metro ?) , turn right and Devils Den is on the left. Two ladies , 90 mins , Bt3600. 10pm - 2am , take out babes are available , all night (to 6am) , one woman , Bt3000. As with Edens in Bangkok , I believe the ladies here are not so young or pretty , but as with Edens they 'deliver'. For detailed accurate info from the horses mouth check website. I have have not had a look at the website , but believe they can be deceptive re prices , take care in that respect , confirm clearly what ya getting before placing money on the table. Have not personally visited Devils Den , I am too shy for that kind of place : )
1. "Soi. 2" & "Pattayaland .2". Roads -
Small number of beer bars. Not worth going the distance.
Go-Go Bars for Sex :
Most opened to 2am , some to 3am. Scattered here and there , a lot of GoGo Bars 50/75 or more , and growing. Just about everywhere you go , especially in the touristy areas (Walking St and surrounds) you'll come across GoGo Bars , see listings below. Make sure you clarify whether the price quoted you is Short Time or Long Time. A significant number of Pattaya Go-Go girls are now doing a runner after one shot. Clarify how many 'jumps' for ST and if paying LT what time she expects to go home the next morning.
A lot of guys screw gogo bar girls. Meat Inspection made easier cause they are in skimpy bikinis. Maybe even sometimes a bit of nudity. Bar fines , ladies drinks and the possibility of a runner put me off these girls , who can have a bit of an attitude. They believe they are the top sex providers , and for those who like em , they are. Worth a peek and a perv , might be for you : )
POPULAR ones right now :
Details further on down the page .........
"What's Up" , relatively new , expensive but reportedly best girls for a price. Bacarra always gets a mention as one of the better ones. Then there is ... Baby Dolls , Airport , Heaven Above , Angelwitch , Happy , Superbaby and Supergirl. There's a LOT of gogo bars in Pattaya , keep you busy for many nights , more likely weeks.
Average prices :
YD Baht 75/95 ........LD95/120 or more.........BF600 (On weekends some bars are now asking for more). Whats Up GoGo charges Bt1000 bar fine ..........ST Baht1500/2000 (will ask for latter) ..........LT : Baht 2500/3500 (will ask for latter). It's unlikely the girls will agree to Long Time (all night) , as they make more via ST. Suggest you do not pay for LT , as its likely , after one pop she will do a runner on you , ie , return to the GoGo bar and look for another ST customer. Unless of course , you look like Tom Cruise : )
You will most probably be encouraged to pay more than the above mentioned prices. Do not inflate for others , resist. Higher prices have got nothing to do with better service.
Note : Drinks prices might have gone up recently.
Between 8pm and 10pm is the best time for full selection of the ladies. After 11pm you will be able to secure for abovementioned prices. Before that (11pm) management and girls prefer to be on the premises racking up drinks etc. Thats when they might hold out for a higher price. Same technique for most Go-Go's anywhere.
All of this info belongs to :
We will start from the southern end , Marine Bar end , of Walking Street and head North. You might not get past the first two or three , some good ones in the high rent Walking St area ........... Note : See above "Popular" gogo bars list.
Note : Names change , businesses go broke etc. Hard to keep up with them. Use following as a guide only.
Soi.16 GoGo Street :
Off Walking Street and before Tony's Disco and Marine Bar , there is a Soi/laneway on the same side of the road , housing Club Boesche and others. Club Boesche GoGo , gets good mentions. Although when I visited the joint I did not see any lookers and staff had a rip off mentality re drinks prices. Good mentions might be coming from newbies. Their first time in the Candy Store (newbies). Update : Boesche gets no mentions nowadays.
Rumour has it the beer bars in this Soi are a hangout for Russian Hookers (?) On my one visit , I did not see any , wasn't looking either : )
Walking Street for GoGo's :
Dollhouse Go-Go - right next to Marine Bar, under Marine Disco Escalators. "Happy A Go-Go" Good Lookers with 'attitude' and higher prices : ) Another "New Living Dolls" , fun atmosphere sometimes.
Soi Diamond GoGo's :
Up on right side from Marine Bar. Walking in a northerly direction , about 150/200mtrs up , you will see a "Diamond Hotel" sign hanging over Walking St. Stop , turn and face the bars in front of you (opposite side of street to marine bar). Small walkway to your right is the one one with "Super Baby" in it. Well regarded in days of yore , and still popular. "SuperGirls" GoGo opposite is also popular. Japanese owned and orientated. Good looking girls who might prefer to go with a Japanese customer , but not if your Brad Pitt , you'll be right : ). Both worth a drink and perv at least. For sure if you do not rush girl , your chances of bar fining her should be good. Japanese are very courteous and polite types , try and emulate them and you should be right. But dont kiss arse , that's their job (kiss your arse : )
Note : 1. BBBJ's (bare back) are not on offer by any of the girls at either of the abovementioned Japanese controlled bars. 2. Sometimes management might ask for barfine and girls fee to be paid up front before you leave the bar. I would be very wary if that is the case. For sure if you paid for LT (all night) you would be in jeopardy. Quite likely the girl doing a runner after one pop. Do not return to bar and get aggressive about this , they have goons who will not hesitate to beat you up : )
So , if they are asking for all money up front , give it a pass , do not pay. Many thousands of girls in Pattaya who will stay with you all night without paying up front and for a lot less : )
Heaven Above GoGo bar : Above Super Baby (see above). Popular with some , worth a peek in the door , at least.
Soi.15 (off Beach Road) :
1. Angel Witch GoGo. Same people at NEP Bangkok. Well regarded. Worth a visit. I have witnessed first hand , kind of stuff that would entertain a newbie , not an experienced whoremonger. Prices through the roof too. The atmosphere here gets you to thinking the girls here are classy. Not so , its all a conjured mirage. For the tourist/newbie type methinks (code language for 'sucker' : ) No harm of having a drink or two , perv and out the door to many thousands of other girls just as good looking or better , without the seductive atmosphere and silly prices.
2. Baby Dolls , must visit , one beer at least.
3. What's Up , must visit. Expensive , the rage right now. Arrive early , gets crowded. Bt1000 bar fine , ST2000 , LT4000
For me , this is as far as I would go. Too much walking makes me tired : )
Soi 13/4 (Soi Pattayaland .2.) :
Which is further on (north) , and just before Baywatch Restaurant. There are some GoGo's in this Soi/Street.
Note - coming from Beach Rd end , entering Soi13/4 , the Soi (alley) off to right of this Go-Go Street (Soi13/14) leads to Soi Pattaya .3. and Gay Bars. Gay Bars are on the rise , incl. in the girlie GoGo Soi 13/4 itself.
Tahitian Queen GoGo :
This is possibly one of the first GoGo bars in Pattaya and still going strong. Located on Beach Road itself , just before the overhead turn off sign to Lek Hotel (Soi 13). Specialises in rock n roll music , has bar snacks. Your beer Bt100 , LD (Ladies Drink) Bt100 , open 1pm - 1am. If your up that way , worth a peek at least. Some like it.
Soi 13/3 (Soi Pattayaland.1.)
Next soi up (north) from 13/4. Where apparently you will find about three or more girlie GoGo Bars. Boy Bars on the rise in this Soi too. Obviously gays like Pattaya : )
Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office)
This is known more as a "Blow Job" street. See details in above Beer Bars info.
Soi 13/1 (Soi Yamato)
Next soi up from 13/3. Very hazy on this one, but I think it had a small number of Go-Go's in it (?). Too lazy to check it out. Far from the other action described above. GoGo's can be here there and everywhere.
Soi 8
Apparently , nowadays x 2 Go-Go's in this Beer Bar Street. Did not check it out. Too far away for my likes.
Soi 7
Possibly x 2 Go-Go's , not sure. Did not check it out.
Soi 2
Need to catch a motorbike taxi to it. Too far away for me , Flamingo Bar is apparently popular. Also apparently x 1 Go-Go there too , nowadays. Never personally been there. Walking Street action area is enough for aged and vulnerable me.
Other venues for SEX with HOOKERS
PATTAYA Thailand :
Sex Massage Parlours :
Bangkok is the place for a big choice , not Pattaya.
Note - after having been serviced by a MP girl , it is possible to make secret after hours arrangements at discounted rates ie after 1am (night) or before 1pm (day). Make those arrangements in the privacy of the massage room , not in the view of mama/papa-san's.
Generally speaking massage hours are 1pm to 1am.
Sabai Room for sex Massage :
Pattaya 2nd Rd, ( 78/20 Pattaya 2nd Rd ) on a corner (possibly Soi.3. corner , lost notes). Big white building with pillars. See Update below , before reading.
Opposite side of that corner (not opposite side of the street) is Central Pattaya Festival , biggest Shopping Centre in Pattaya, includes Big C Shopping Mall. Everyone knows "Big C". Baht 10 (max) Songthaew from Beach Road.
Ladies , after sundown , are Baht 1500/1800 (90 mins to 2hrs) 60/80 girls at any one time. Before sundown , Baht 1200/1500 might be feasible. Good standard, some beauties. You can sit and drink beer at tables, perv and then select. Also pos to talk to prospective lady at the table for 5 mins before deciding. For my money, one of the better Massage Parlours in Pattaya. Good Mama/Papa-sans. Phone : 038.361475. Fax 38.429170
Update : New owner/management. Place has been upgraded.
After exiting Sabai Room , hop directly across the road to the Beers Bars , nice cuties working there : )
Sabailand also for sex Massage :
Standing out the front of Sabai Room and looking across Pattaya 2 Road to the corner on your right is Sabailand. It's directly opposite Central Pattaya Festival in a non descript low level white building on the corner of Soi.3. This place is smaller in size and usually less girls than Sabai Room but some pretty ones, nevertheless @ Bt1600 room and girl , all inclusive , 90mins. Make sure what they are quoting is for both the room and the gal , before you hand over any money. On and off I hear about Papa-san trying to con customers telling them the Bt1600 is only for the room. Do not fall for that. Walk a little further up the road to "Sabai Dee" (info below) if he tries that one on you. Naturally a modest tip of Bt1/200 is expected by the gal , if she provides good service. But no one will stop you from giving more : ) Update .... On a later trip , yes still the same problem , only small number of girls , six when I visited , and no customers.
All of this info belongs to :
Sabai Dee hooker sex Massage :
Located just up from Sabailand , same side of the road (Pattaya 2 Road) , in a Northerly direction , possibly two blocks up. It's a huge building , particularly tall. Some say the rooms are better , bigger selection of girls and they are younger. On my visit to the place I did not notice the 'younger' factor , but quite a good selection on hand and other customers were around at the time , a good sign. Suggest you check this one out first. Update : Some negative reports coming in about this place. Can't be sure if reports accurate or not. Reco : Have a quick look , wont cost you anything.
Grapevine is telling me Sabai Dee is the best one nowadays. Popularity order : 1. Sabai Dee .2. Sabailand. 3. Sabai Room Subjective ... you might not like any of them. Bangkok for Massage Parlours.
At Sabai Dee , reportedly you pay the girl directly for the massage and sex. Negotiate price before you take her into the room (important) . Around Bt1000/1200 girl , Baht 400/600 for room. All up the cost of everything should be in the vicinity of Baht1800 and so similar to the cost in the other MP's mentioned above. This should be all sorted out before you trot off to the room with the girl - 'way to go' , especially if your a newbie.
Sabai Dee is the go right now (see update above). Do not expect too much , Bangkok has a much bigger choice and thus better , but Sabai Dee is the best bet whilst in Pattaya. However , as I said before , have a look at all three before choosing a gal.
TeenDream Massage : Soi 21 off Buakhao Road. Masssage/Room : Bt400. Plus extra's such as : Hand Job Bt500 , Blow Job Bt1000 , Full Sex Bt1500. Google for website. Popular.
Honey Massage : Relatively new and currently popular , all up , room and girls Bt1800 and Bt2500. Location : Soi 11 , off Pattaya 2nd Road. Google it. Motorbike taxis will know it. Perhaps try this one and TeenDream before the others mentioned above ? Update : Yes , try it first , got intel on it .... looks good.
These can be cheaper.
Note : Very few utilise the following places , so whether or not they are still in biz is not known ....
Nancy Body Massage - 111/208 Moo 10, South Pattaya Road.
Happy - A bit North of Naklua Road from the Naklua and North Pattaya Rd to your right. Hopefully a motorbike taxi can get you there.
Heaven/Nancy's - Sukhumvit Rd ( 149/352-61 Moo 9 Sukhumvit Rd) 10/15 min by taxi.
PP Body Massage - 92/26-28 Moo 9 Soi Jirapol , 3rd Road.
Freelance Hookers - young Women :
1. On the Street
These untraceable girls are higher risk re theft from rooms and STD's etc. But plenty of guys 'indulge'.
Walking Street :
Standing around on the footpath whilst potential customers pass by. Girls here are usually better quality than the Beach Promenade (see below) girls and consequently charge more , eg , Baht500/700/1000 ST , Baht1000/1500 LT. The less attractive girls seem to stand still on the side of the road (walking street by night) , same spot , all night. The more attractive ones seem to like walking up and down Walking St , entering/exiting Disco's etc. Smile at a nice one walking by and see if she will stop and negotiate. More attractive ones do not want to advertise that they are an outright street hooker by standing still in one spot , prefer to pretend they are heading somewhere : ) And they are more likely to expect Bt1000 ST and Bt1500 LT . Make sure its a hooker , your about to talk price too ! Beware of katoeys (she-men) parading or working in Walking St.
Remember , back in your room , untraceable street hookers (and Disco freelancers) are a security risk. Secure your valuables.
In addition to street hookers , Simon (beer) Bar in Walking St , just down from Marine Disco , has 150-300 girls on tap , some quite attractive and very fuckable. Think they might cost a little more than Soi 8 type of beer bar girls , not sure. Good environment here , better girls than the stand-by types , who can not get a job at a place like Simon because they dont have ID , or are not as attractive etc. Simon girls are traceable , street ones are not.
Beach Promenade :
Also known as "Coconut Bar" .. lots of coconut trees along beach promenade.
Local Mayor is trying to eliminate these beach promenade hookers. Not a good look for Pattaya Mayor , who is trying to attract mum and dad tourists : ) Result so far ... numbers of hookers down , but not totally eliminated. Girls can be around there during the day. Some say 7pm to 11pm best time. After that risk of Police raids = very few if any girls to be sighted. If raids off , girls are on , till late.
Location : Coming from South , at end of Walking St (Tourist Booth) sea-side , for another 1/2 kms on same sea-side of road there are girls hanging around. When you see the Royal Garden Plaza Shopping Centre on the opposite side of the road , you know your in the right area. These are lower end of scale girls normally , and a greater security risk (room). Exceptions prevail from time to time , eg an attractive well behaved gal : )
Beach Road girls are not so attractive normally , more desperate for a dollar , and so more willing to do 'unusual' things , eg anal , allow pics etc. Explain courteously your requirements beforehand , and price. Usually they keep to their side of the deal. Watch your valuables : )
Note : Sometimes beach road is congested with 'native' stalls selling kitsch. When this happens , beach road girls are hard to find.
Max prices here ... ST Bt500 , LT Bt700/1000 (depends if girl young/attractive). Watch your valuables and do not accept any food or drinks from these girls , might be drugged. Safest is ST (one shag) , not overnight (LT).
My suggestion is , do not patrol this area after say 11pm for girls , useless , head for the well populated and safer area of the Walking Street stand-by hookers. And do not patrol after 11/12 midnight on the sparsely populated beach road strip itself , chance of a street robbery by katoeys (she-men) late at night or early in the morning.
Always keep watch for the Street Ladyboys/Katoeys. They become active once the entertainment (1am) curfew sets in. Some of them rob with violence. Early a.m. stay in populated areas , especially if under the influence of alcohol. 1am on , the less populated streets of Pattaya (and anywhere else) are potentially dangerous. Normally , Walking Street stays heavily populated , and therefore safe , to 2/3am and even later.
3. Bamboo Bar : Facing the archway 'Walking St' sign , to your left and about 3 shops up is a Freelance hangout called the Bamboo Bar. 10/11pm action starts. Place fills up. Worth checking out.
4. Shopping Malls : These girls consider themselves a level above the Beach Promenade etc girls and thus expect Bt1000 Short Time (ST). Yet , some might be beach road hookers who missed out night before. Not many Shopping Mall Molls normally , but worth keeping your eye out for them , especially if you need some shopping therapy. More likely to get shopping therapy at Malls than sexual therapy : )
At the Disco's :
For me the best freelancers are to be found in the Disco's.
Make sure you try Lucifers and Insomnia Disco's.
Tony's Disco .... In Walking St , opposite Simon Beer Bar Complex (see above notes). I had quite extensive info on this one , removed it , cause on one trip it looked like the place was being demolished. Now , hear guys saying its open. In the past had a reputation of being too expensive , and rip offs re change etc. Ask "how much" before entering/ordering , at Tony's , if its back : )
Lucifers Hooker Disco
Always talked about , always popular. I have seen many a honey enter Lucifers.
Located in walking street and possibly your best bet. Located just a little north of Marine Disco (see Marine info below) and on same side of street. Opposite P2 Restaurant and bar. 11pm to 2am for best chance. Beer at bar outside Bt130/150 , not cheap , but place to grab a cutie before she gets lost in the big crowd inside disco itself. Alternatively sit opposite street at P72 Bar where the beer is Bt80/90 and you'll see what talent goes in and out of Lucifers. This is the disco place in Walking Street to recruit a cutie. Disco priorities would be : Lucifers and Insomnia. I would say. Disco girls are normally 'all night' cause you quite often recruit them after midnight anyway. Baht1000 to Baht1500 is the norm depending whether she is a looker , and your appeal to the girl. You might be that hot that you get it for free : ) Update : Lucifers is still popular and packed. Only problem , very dark inside , hard to properly assess the girl (and them assess you : ) Great location , half way along Walking Street..
Somewhere past Lucifers in Walking St there is another Disco called : Mixx Disco. Might be worth checking out.
On the same side as Lucifers we come to ..........
Marine1 pick up Disco -
First disco in Pattaya , was there in 1978 , my first trip to Pattaya/Thailand.
Whilst in Walking Street , you might like to check this one out. Starts to come alive after midnight , more likely after 1/2am.
Location : Walking Street. To find it, follow these instructions - Coming from a northerly direction along Beach Rd, you first past the Pier on your right, then all traffic 7pm on' is diverted left along South Pattaya Rd. You do not turn left, alight at the corner of Beach Rd and South Pattaya Rd and walk down the continuation of Beach Rd which is now called Walking Street , under the big arching sign 'walking st'. Keep walking until you see Marine Disco and Marina Bar on your right. (Lucifers before Marine on same side).
Be on the alert for katoeys in Disco's (possible , but doubtful , normally not allowed inside).
Marine Disco is the longest established pick up disco in Pattaya. Its got some hot competition nowadays from places like Lucifers Disco (see above) and Insomnia (see below). Nevertheless its pretty active starting after midnight on. Currently closing 3am (subject to authorities). No entrance fee , but beers were Baht 90 when I was there , early one night (Happy Hour ?) , suggest they might have increased to beyond Bt100 by now. Regarding the Ladies - Baht 1000 to Baht 1500 , see above "Lucifers" same prices all disco's. This was the first and only Disco full of honey's when I arrived in Pattaya 1978. Much better then. You sat around the dance floor elevated. Dancing below you , like in gladiator days : )
Note : There is supposed to be a Marine2 Disco on the opposite side of the street. On my numerous trips to Pattaya , I have never seen it : )
Lucifers , and Insomnia are preferred by most girls. But same girls drift from one disco to another , just like you do : )
Lucifers and Marine are within 2 mins walking distance of each other.
All of this info belongs to :
Insomnia Disco for Sex :
Popular nowadays.
As the name implies , suitable for Night Owls especially 1/2am onwards. Gets crowded. Not in Walking Street , some distance away. This one takes off when Lucifers starts to fade. Very popular with the hooker girls. 1.30am to 3.30am key period to recruit someone here. Goes to 5am and maybe beyond. Full of after hours gogo girls and whoever , looking for dick and money : )
From Walking Street , catch a motorbike taxi to it. Well known place. A convenient and profitable disco tour would be : Lucifers , possibly Mixx (see above) , then off to Insomnia on a motorbike taxi (Identification : drivers wear yellow safety jackets).
Note .. These very late closing places sometimes get raided by police and folks , including foreigners , are tested for drugs etc". Some say front door goons are aggressive , if you start to become a problem.
Other Disco's for picking up Women :
Update : Don't hear a lot about the following two nowadays = not a good sign.
1. X-ZYTE Disco. Apparently it has a good stage show and Ladies of the Night like to be taken there. But no reports that it is a good place for picking up unatched hookers. Location - Third Road on corner of Soi Drarin (address supplied by a 3rd party). Motorcycle taxis and tuk tuk's will know it. Alternatively , search Google.
2. Hollywood Disco - is supposedly a mix of good girls and semi pro girls. Next trip I will check it out. If that is so , expect to pay much more for sex here. And make sure who you are talking to , before talking money (pro or non pro ?). Apparently LON's like to take you there cause there will be little or no competition/poaching from other hooker girls. It might be a bit of a katoey hangout too. Actual street I don't know , but if you take the road in between Big C Mall and Sabai Room Massage Parlour and turn right into a Soi near or at the end , then down that Soi on left you will find Hollywood Disco. Simpler : Just say "Hollywood Disco"(Big C) to a motorbike taxi and he'll take you straight there , no problems.
All of this info belongs to :
3.Other Freelancer places :
Following two should not be high on your hit list. Weak efforts .....
1. Hard Rock Cafe - In Beach Road , between Soi.7 and Central Road. Because of my negative (non productive) experience with the Bangkok Hard Rock Cafe (and Manila HR Cafe) , I did not go there. Similar attitude as in Bangkok , viz : "I'm cool , kiss my ass" : ) Weekends it's supposed to be in the ok category for pick ups.
2. Pattaya Beer Garden - A relative newcomer trying to establish itself. Based on Bangkok Bier Garten/Beer Garden = Freelancers. Entered the place , quite big , reasonably catered for , both males and females , but cut off from the excitement of Walking Street. Location overlooking the sea. Entrance down a narrow sort of hallway near Walking St arch (sea side) and where they have ThaI boxing. Not a high priority , not enough 'excitement' for me. Check :
Miscellaneous Sex places :
Note : (a) and (b) is old info , do not know if its current.
Daytime naughties , reportedly starting as early as 11am , can be had at :
(a) The Blind Beggar (formerly known as The Winchester Club) , Soi Wat , Jomtien Beach. Taxi drivers still know it as the 'Winchester Club'. This is a fairly popular short time air con Hotel that serves a free all day Buffet on Sundays. Sex - Baht 500ST to the girl plus Baht 250 for bar fine , which incls a room. Website : , but reportedly out of date. Email them if you have any queries. Update ... Havent heard anything about this place for a long time. Still there ?
(b)Think ....... "Welkom Inn" , Soi.3. , has the same daylight service too as the 'Blind Beggar' , not absolutely sure about that. BBBJ all up (girl , room tip) around Bt700. This place is also known by its nickname as : The Belgium Embassy : ) Update ... Havent heard anything about this place for a long time either. Still there ? Website for up to date info :
(c) The forest or 'woods'. Hard to explain location , at southern end of walking street. Ask for GoKarts track , find that , and opposite small number of ladies hang around. Reportedly got native 'shacks' in amongst trees. Ugliest and oldest women on earth , say Baht100 blow job , Bt200 short time. Wear dark glasses so you can not see them. Sleaze/skanks taken to the max : )
Another direction I have read : "Up the hill towards Jomtien, turn right before the tourist police. There are usually women there 24 hours a day".
End of venues info re SEX with HOOKERS
PATTAYA Thailand
Next on our Menu : Patong (Phuket). Pattaya and Bangkok superior to Patong/Phuket , by the way.
Sex with Hookers - Pattaya
Beer Bars - Go-Go Bars - Disco's - Massage Parlours
GUIDE only :
Use the information below as a broad guide only.
It will be helpful in getting you started.
I personally visit Thailand as much as possible , and then update the info below. Otherwise updates are based on proven reliable sources.
About a 1.5/2hrs drive from Bangkok , Pattaya is a seaside town , with a difference. Wall to wall beer bar pussy , in a relaxed 'open air' environment. Most of the time , no high rises hovering over you and nowhere near the vehicular traffic of its bigger sin sister, Bangkok. Space you have got a plenty. Principally a Beer Bar town with plenty of Go-Go's, Disco's , Freelance Spots and an adequate supply of Sex Massage Parlours. Everything that Bangkok has got but not more. Only more in respect of Beer Bars and relaxed atmosphere , has it got more. Big spenders say your 'slumming' when in Pattaya : )
A great twin act, bouncing betweeen Bangkok and Pattaya. Once you have experienced Bangkok and Pattaya you have seen a big chunk of Thailands sex scene. Everything after Bangkok and Pattaya pales by comparison. Patong (Phuket) and Chiangmai etc fans might disagree however. But for full on sex opportunities, the sin cities of Bangkok and Pattaya can not be beaten.
UPDATES : Reviewed March 2013
"Reviewed" means info re-read and adjusted where necessary.
NOTE : The original Thai 1/2am curfew for nightspots , varies a bit from town to town , nowadays. But the authorities seem to focus mainly on the 'lewd' GoGo Bars. Pattaya's Beer Bars and GoGo Bars , officially close 1/2am. Freelancers on the street and Disco's circumvent these hours and go to 5am in some cases. There are other establishments that 'bend the rules' , sometimes only temporarily , until they are caught up with. Thailands and thus Pattaya's sex scene is ever fluid/spermatic : )
WARNING : Do not travel to Pattaya during Songkran Water (New Year) Festival , 13th to 19th April every year. Google , just in case date change. Very few ladies on offer during the water wars. They go back to their home province to celebrate New Year or stay indoors (Pattaya) during this period. Few days before 13th girls might head off for home province. Two or three days after 19th they might have come out of hiding (room) and/or returned from their home province.
Water wars are fun for Thais and a minority of foreigners , a nuisance for majority of mongers. Day time 12noon to 6pm , official water wars times. But some farangs ignore this and dump water in the evenings. Night before last day of water wars EVERYONE dumps water day AND night !
WHEN TO GO ? : All year round (except Songkran , see above) Pattaya is full of action. High Season : December to Feb/March , accommodation will most probably be harder to get , and cost you a little more , and the place in general , is very crowded. For me , exciting , any time of the year. Say May to October you might have more bargaining power (less punters).
Pattaya Sex Venues :
Overall - the Beer Bar girls and Freelance girls , eg at Disco's , represent the best value. Go-Go girls in Pattaya are developing a Short Time mentality (runner) , even if you have paid for Long Time. In fact , long time is becoming 'out of fashion'. Add to that GoGo prices are inflating at a fast rate. Blame the 'tourist' types for inflating prices.
Beer Bars for Young Women and Hookers :
Most Beer Bars (BB's) are up and running by 2pm , best chicks sometimes come later , eg 4/5pm. Like other nightlife venues , BB's are required to close at 1am , but some switch off the lights and the music and continue trading until 2am (exceptions , ie longer , and only if customers around). Pattaya is the biggest beer bar scene in Thailand , and there is nothing like it in the Philippines either. Beer Bars are everywhere in Pattaya , you can't miss them.
The currency quoted on this website is the Thai Baht. For conversion to your local currency refer to :
Average prices :
Note : Prices in red light districts do not remain static. Tendency is up , of course. Thanks to tourist types and mug punters : ) Use the following as a guide ...
YD (Your Drink) = Baht 60 or more ..........BF (BarFine) Baht 300 (Beer Bars). This includes the use of short time rooms on their premises , or you can take them away to your hotel if you like . .........ST fee girl expects : Baht700 in addition to the Bt300 bar fine. Trend is for girl to ask for Bt1000 , resist this. Baht Young guy 500 , old guy 700 , sucker 1000 : ) ........LT 1000/1500 (usually latter). As you can see , cheaper than Bangkok. ST = short time 1 pop , eg 1 - 2 hrs , LT = long time , ie , all night , eg 8pm to 8am. But they might do a runner if they are not enjoying your company , or think they can earn more by returning to their bar. Clarify in front of Mama-san what time she is going to spend with you.
The typical beer bars , where you will pay these prices , are located in Soi.6 (specialsing in blow jobs) , also Soi's 7 and 8 , and just about everywhere else in Pattaya. Beer Bars are EVERYWHERE in Pattaya. ` Many places will try and extract more than 'average' prices from you though : ) Rule No.1 ... ask "How Much" before each and every transaction.
All of this info belongs to :
Note : Street numbers start in the North (Bangkok end) and increase as one heads in a Southerly (towards Walking St) direction.
The following is taken as a 'crawl' , starting in the South (Walking St end) , action end , and walking towards the North. Further North = less action.
Walking Street Beer Bars :
For me best , cause whilst at bar you can observe the action in Walking Street itself. Most beer bars are open to the street = good viewing.
7pm to 3am vehicular traffic is not allowed inside this area , hence name : Walking Street. Most , if not all sex venues in this street stay open to 3am nowadays. Some beyond that.
"Simon Bar" Complex is huge , with about 15/20 seperate beer bars employing approx 15 girls in each bar. They seemed a bit on the youngish side. Can be quite a lively area. At time of my visit about 150 girls but only 15 customers in total. Location : Same side as Marina Bar (see Marine Disco notes below) but a little further South , along walking street. Beer Bt70. Update .. Last and most recent trip , still there , sometimes a bit quiet , other times quite busy. Seemed more like 300 girls and some quality ones too.
"Freelancer Bar" near Marine Complex/Disco (on same side near the tree) has seen better days. Not so popular now. Reportedly girls pushy for Ladies Drinks etc. The name itself is misleading cause it is not a place where you pick up Freelancers. They have their own website : So many bars , so little time. Think you can safely ignore this bar nowadays.
There are many , repeat many , other big and small Beer Bars in Walking Street and streets running off Walking St , eg near the Tourist Info Office , at southern start of beach road itself , near large 'Walking St' archway. Beer Bars are 'in ya face' , everywhere you go : )
So , from Simon Bar Walking Street , you start to walk in a Northerly/Bangkok direction , and you come across a myriad of beer bars. Southern end is the action end , start there and walk away from it to as far as say Soi.6 (see below). It's quite some distance.
Soi BJ :
Yes , officially called that , its on the govt street sign post for all to see , but alas to date no BJ Bars to my knowledge. Multi national/sexual .... global conglomerate ..... ....... is contemplating establishing the first bj bar in this soi , calling it 'Vacancy' .. "For the best job in town" ....... joking : )
Soi 13/4 (Soi Pattayaland .2.) :
This is more of a GoGo Street (see GoGo below) but still has Beer Bars just like just about every other Soi/Street in Pattaya.
Soi. 13/3 Pattayaland 1. :
"Billion Bar" is another BJ Bar. Do not expect movie stars , at this or any other bj bar : )
Blow job bars .... Make sure bj is : 1. without condom , 2. no extra room charge , and then ask "how much" before surrendering your dick for 'dry cleaning'. Otherwise girl might say after the deed "without condom"/"with room" ... extra !.
Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office) Blow Job Bars -
This is a "Blow Job" street of sorts , where most bars open around 2pm on'. Usually condoms are not requested. Try Bars : "Pump Station" , "Spricy" , "Golden Girls" (2nd Flr) which are all not far from each other. All offer exclusive BJ action. Pump Station is long established and well known. Spricy is fairly popular. Do not expect movie stars here either , or any bj bar for that matter : ) Beware of the possibility that a katoey (transvestite) might be working in one of these or any other bj bar , in Pattaya.
Average prices : There is some variation in respect of what is charged at these places. Baht500/700 for girl and I have heard they charge an additional Bt375 for a room. Most places room not necessary. Bt700 does the trick and incl's (or should incl) room. Tip to girl , only if fully satisfied ... Bt100. Do not accept 'with condom' , that silliness must not be encouraged. Basic question before agreeing : "How much" Really BJ's are crazy price nowadays. Why not short time a babe from a beer bar for Baht500/700 making sure she agrees to bj and fuck , arranged before you pay the bar fine. Beer bar prices above.
Advantage of bj bars .. deed can be done in public area (for exhibitionists) and usually without condom. And , 'quick relief' . Plus theoretically these girls are better at bj cause they get a lot of practice : )
An additional tip of Baht100 for the girl is of course optional , depending if you were happy with her 'service' : ) In some cases the deed is done at cut outs in the Bar or on the Couches , in full view of others if that is what you like. Otherwise in private rooms on the premises.
All of this info belongs to :
BEER BARS (not specificially blow job bars) :
Try briefly all of the following , then return to your favourite Soi/Street ......
Soi.8 Beer Bar Street :
Girls sit around at tables , waiting for customers. Customer chooses a girl , she comes sits and chats with customer. See "Average prices" above. Soi.8 is some distance from the Walking Street action , where there are a lot of Beer Bars too. Beer Bars are everywhere , in Pattaya. You dont have to find them , they will find you. There might be a GoGo bar or two in this Soi , also.
This Soi.8 area suits those who like to keep away from touristy Walking St (WS). However , in WS , whoring outweighs tourists especially 12 midnight on' , and Walking St is more exciting , especially for a voyeur/pervo like me : )
Soi.7 Beer Bar Street :
Also popular. If you have gone as far as Soi 8 , might as well have a look at Soi.7 whilst in the area. Same prices as Soi.8. Your sweetheart might be sitting in Soi.7 waiting for you : ) Possibility of one or two GoGo bars in this Soi , also.
Soi. 6 Blow Job Bars :
Beer bar or blow job bar street ? Its both , in reality , but primarily designed for guys looking for a blow job.
Open 1pm to 1am. 4/5pm on , best time. Maybe 6/7pm at its peak. After 12 midnight , fades. Full sex of course available too.Short time rooms on the premises. Myself I would not offer any more than Bt1000 (Bt700 girls Bt300 for room) for great sex followed by a great blow job. But hey , you can get that for Bt500 off Beach Road girls : )
It's a very long walk from Soi 8/7 area , take a motorcyc taxi to Big C , then walk down it from 2nd road end. One of the big features about this Soi is sex is available during the day. "My friend You" , "Full Moon" , "Night Wish" , Lick Bar , King Kong and Roxy Bar , come to mind , but names change. "Red Point" is popular too. Drinks in vicinity of Bt70.
Do not expect movie stars in Soi.6. but blow jobs should be good cause they get a lot of practice : )
Caution : Before handing over any money , make sure it's without condom ("no condom , ok" ?) , otherwise young gal might try and trick you after the deed saying "without condom is extra" : ) And make sure your choice is not a katoey (she-man) , some places employ them.
For BJ Bars , dont forget ... the more convenient Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office) also has bj bars.
Buffalo Bar :
Read Update , before going to Buffalo Bar.
This is a slightly upmarket Beer Bar with upmarket prices (higher than that quoted above). Isolated on its own. A bit out of the way , and maybe not worth going to nowadays ? Update : Reports coming in , say its not what it used to be. Not a 'must see' place anymore. Maybe a brief personal check will do no harm. This is what I wrote before it reportedly went downhill :
"Located between Soi Boengkoet & The Village on Pattaya 3rd Rd. See website: and a map re its location. First motorcycle taxi driver I approached knew the place and took me there with no hassles. On your first visit ask for calling card , which has directions written in Thai , for any motorcyc taxi driver/whoever , in the future , who might not know the place. Update : They should all know it nowadays.
If you can't access internet map/instructions , here are mine , for what they are worth : There is Beach Rd , Pattaya 2nd Rd and Pattaya 3rd Rd , all running roughly north south. Get into 3rd Rd and heading from a Southerly direction to a Northerly one , you pass over the main intersection , South Pattaya Rd (running 'east-west') and pass on your right 'The Village' , admittedly I never saw it : ) Just past the Village and on your right hand side , up high in the air , is a sign 'Buffalo Bar'. Presuming you can not stretch your neck to see that , just back from the road about 15mtrs , in a little alcove/side road off 3rd Rd , is a neon lit place called 'The Castle'. Just to the left of that , on the other side of a small dirt lane , is a vegetation (bushes , small trees) covered bamboo style hut. Update : Castle is no longer there. Enter into this 'jungle' and you have entered Buffalo Bar. There is a sign on the building , but the shrubbery is partially covering the sign.
When I visited , quite a lot of foreigners were there , ie , popular. See Update , above ('downhill').
BB is set back from the road and accompanying pollution/noise. Has a tropical hut look about it , surrounded by greenery. Inside the atmosphere was good , when I called , and about 30/40 or more girls were in employ. Beer Bt45 (60 now days ?) , Ladies Drink Bt75 (increased lately ?). First night I called before 8pm and only saw 4's and 5's dressed in trousers. Next time I called after 8pm and saw mini skirted girls , at least five of which were 7's.
I was told ST is Bt300 bar fine and Bt1000 to the girl. LT Bt475 Bar Fine and Bt1500 to the girl. These prices seem a bit over the top for Pattaya. Not sure if you'd have to pay that much for a girl there. Maybe I forgot to gargle my mouth with Listerine ? : ) Worth a visit for your own assessment. Everything on this website is subjective ... its always "up to you". UPDATE : Grapevine is telling me its now : Bt600 Bar Fine , and Bt1500 for Short Time on the premises ? These are nearing GoGo Bar prices. And costs even more if you take them away from the premises. Obviously some suckers have been paying these prices at Buffalo , and now everyone has to pay them ! ?
After a third visit (before recent price increases) I gave BB a 7 rating , which means , one of the better bars in Pattaya (See Update above). I will certainly return to BB one of these days. I liked the karma/atmosphere and the occasional pretty girl. Most seemed to have good vibes and were 'non commercial' , ie , not pushy. But the acid test is when you take them back to your room. On that particular trip , I did not take any girl from BB. UPDATE : Maybe Buffalo not so good nowadays , some negative reports coming in. Often a sex establishment starts out with a flourish then starts slipping down the slippery slope to nowhere : ) Even so , worth a visit , just in case reports wrong. Nice ambience and girls when I was there.
Much easier to find is Walking St (beer bars) , cause it finds you : )
The Castle : Mentioned in notes re Buffalo Bar above. Not a beer bar , a bondage place. Next door to BB. Bt900 entrance ( = 1 drink) , plus thousands if you want the works. For the mentally deranged only : ) UPDATE : Maybe this place has now crashed/closed. Not enough depraved persons/customers : ) Check google.
The Castle : If facing Buffalo Bar , to your right is d' Castle , described as a "Fetish Club". Maybe this one has closed down (?). For full details check website :
Lolita's BJ Bar - Soi L K Metro :
I must check out , once again , the Soi L K Metro area. They say its something like Walking Street in the old days. Less crowded , less commercial. I doubt it , but curiosity requires me to revisit the area and report back.
Lolita's :
Update : Lolita's has closed down and looking for new premises.
Before its closure , this is what I wrote :
Sister operation to Lolita's in Bangkok : Some distance from the 'action'. Motorbike taxis know it. If walking , say from Lek Hotel (see accom , best Buffets ever) in Soi 12 , head north along Second Road (get free tourist map at booth , located start of Walking St , ie , Northern end of W. St). Turn right into Soi Diana (see Diana Hotel on corner). Walk up Soi Diana some distance and turn into first Soi on your left , Soi LK Metro (strange name) where you'll find Lolita's on the left. The building itself is a bit upmarket compared to the other bj bars.
As with all BJ Bars , do not expect gorgeous women : ) Baht700 incl's room. But now that other BJ Bars in Pattaya are charging an additional Bt300 for room , check this angle out before you commit. If you want , Baht 100 tip to girl if good. Similar girls as in their Bangkok Bar , they rotate between bangkok and pattaya , apparently. Pic of the building in "Fishin for Fun - 2" link/page in Diaries section of this website. It's some way to go if on foot from say Walking St area , more convenient is Soi 6 and/or Soi 13/2 BJ Bars.
Bliss Lounge : is somewhere near LK Metro (3rd Road ?). Gaining popularity. Google it.
The Soi LK Metro area ,eg , Queens Club , might be worth checking out nowadays. Expanding at a steady rate.
Devils Den (near Lolita's) :
Website :
Hours : Monday to Sat , 1pm to 12 midnight.
This is not a BJ Bar or a Beer Bar , its almost identical in operation to that of Edens Club in Bangkok (Toys , twin leso act etc). Different owners/management , however. See Bangkok notes for Edens modus operandi. Devils Den is listed here cause its in the same Soi as Lolita's (listed above). Apparently you walk to the end of Lolita's Soi (Soi LK Metro ?) , turn right and Devils Den is on the left. Two ladies , 90 mins , Bt3600. 10pm - 2am , take out babes are available , all night (to 6am) , one woman , Bt3000. As with Edens in Bangkok , I believe the ladies here are not so young or pretty , but as with Edens they 'deliver'. For detailed accurate info from the horses mouth check website. I have have not had a look at the website , but believe they can be deceptive re prices , take care in that respect , confirm clearly what ya getting before placing money on the table. Have not personally visited Devils Den , I am too shy for that kind of place : )
1. "Soi. 2" & "Pattayaland .2". Roads -
Small number of beer bars. Not worth going the distance.
Go-Go Bars for Sex :
Most opened to 2am , some to 3am. Scattered here and there , a lot of GoGo Bars 50/75 or more , and growing. Just about everywhere you go , especially in the touristy areas (Walking St and surrounds) you'll come across GoGo Bars , see listings below. Make sure you clarify whether the price quoted you is Short Time or Long Time. A significant number of Pattaya Go-Go girls are now doing a runner after one shot. Clarify how many 'jumps' for ST and if paying LT what time she expects to go home the next morning.
A lot of guys screw gogo bar girls. Meat Inspection made easier cause they are in skimpy bikinis. Maybe even sometimes a bit of nudity. Bar fines , ladies drinks and the possibility of a runner put me off these girls , who can have a bit of an attitude. They believe they are the top sex providers , and for those who like em , they are. Worth a peek and a perv , might be for you : )
POPULAR ones right now :
Details further on down the page .........
"What's Up" , relatively new , expensive but reportedly best girls for a price. Bacarra always gets a mention as one of the better ones. Then there is ... Baby Dolls , Airport , Heaven Above , Angelwitch , Happy , Superbaby and Supergirl. There's a LOT of gogo bars in Pattaya , keep you busy for many nights , more likely weeks.
Average prices :
YD Baht 75/95 ........LD95/120 or more.........BF600 (On weekends some bars are now asking for more). Whats Up GoGo charges Bt1000 bar fine ..........ST Baht1500/2000 (will ask for latter) ..........LT : Baht 2500/3500 (will ask for latter). It's unlikely the girls will agree to Long Time (all night) , as they make more via ST. Suggest you do not pay for LT , as its likely , after one pop she will do a runner on you , ie , return to the GoGo bar and look for another ST customer. Unless of course , you look like Tom Cruise : )
You will most probably be encouraged to pay more than the above mentioned prices. Do not inflate for others , resist. Higher prices have got nothing to do with better service.
Note : Drinks prices might have gone up recently.
Between 8pm and 10pm is the best time for full selection of the ladies. After 11pm you will be able to secure for abovementioned prices. Before that (11pm) management and girls prefer to be on the premises racking up drinks etc. Thats when they might hold out for a higher price. Same technique for most Go-Go's anywhere.
All of this info belongs to :
We will start from the southern end , Marine Bar end , of Walking Street and head North. You might not get past the first two or three , some good ones in the high rent Walking St area ........... Note : See above "Popular" gogo bars list.
Note : Names change , businesses go broke etc. Hard to keep up with them. Use following as a guide only.
Soi.16 GoGo Street :
Off Walking Street and before Tony's Disco and Marine Bar , there is a Soi/laneway on the same side of the road , housing Club Boesche and others. Club Boesche GoGo , gets good mentions. Although when I visited the joint I did not see any lookers and staff had a rip off mentality re drinks prices. Good mentions might be coming from newbies. Their first time in the Candy Store (newbies). Update : Boesche gets no mentions nowadays.
Rumour has it the beer bars in this Soi are a hangout for Russian Hookers (?) On my one visit , I did not see any , wasn't looking either : )
Walking Street for GoGo's :
Dollhouse Go-Go - right next to Marine Bar, under Marine Disco Escalators. "Happy A Go-Go" Good Lookers with 'attitude' and higher prices : ) Another "New Living Dolls" , fun atmosphere sometimes.
Soi Diamond GoGo's :
Up on right side from Marine Bar. Walking in a northerly direction , about 150/200mtrs up , you will see a "Diamond Hotel" sign hanging over Walking St. Stop , turn and face the bars in front of you (opposite side of street to marine bar). Small walkway to your right is the one one with "Super Baby" in it. Well regarded in days of yore , and still popular. "SuperGirls" GoGo opposite is also popular. Japanese owned and orientated. Good looking girls who might prefer to go with a Japanese customer , but not if your Brad Pitt , you'll be right : ). Both worth a drink and perv at least. For sure if you do not rush girl , your chances of bar fining her should be good. Japanese are very courteous and polite types , try and emulate them and you should be right. But dont kiss arse , that's their job (kiss your arse : )
Note : 1. BBBJ's (bare back) are not on offer by any of the girls at either of the abovementioned Japanese controlled bars. 2. Sometimes management might ask for barfine and girls fee to be paid up front before you leave the bar. I would be very wary if that is the case. For sure if you paid for LT (all night) you would be in jeopardy. Quite likely the girl doing a runner after one pop. Do not return to bar and get aggressive about this , they have goons who will not hesitate to beat you up : )
So , if they are asking for all money up front , give it a pass , do not pay. Many thousands of girls in Pattaya who will stay with you all night without paying up front and for a lot less : )
Heaven Above GoGo bar : Above Super Baby (see above). Popular with some , worth a peek in the door , at least.
Soi.15 (off Beach Road) :
1. Angel Witch GoGo. Same people at NEP Bangkok. Well regarded. Worth a visit. I have witnessed first hand , kind of stuff that would entertain a newbie , not an experienced whoremonger. Prices through the roof too. The atmosphere here gets you to thinking the girls here are classy. Not so , its all a conjured mirage. For the tourist/newbie type methinks (code language for 'sucker' : ) No harm of having a drink or two , perv and out the door to many thousands of other girls just as good looking or better , without the seductive atmosphere and silly prices.
2. Baby Dolls , must visit , one beer at least.
3. What's Up , must visit. Expensive , the rage right now. Arrive early , gets crowded. Bt1000 bar fine , ST2000 , LT4000
For me , this is as far as I would go. Too much walking makes me tired : )
Soi 13/4 (Soi Pattayaland .2.) :
Which is further on (north) , and just before Baywatch Restaurant. There are some GoGo's in this Soi/Street.
Note - coming from Beach Rd end , entering Soi13/4 , the Soi (alley) off to right of this Go-Go Street (Soi13/14) leads to Soi Pattaya .3. and Gay Bars. Gay Bars are on the rise , incl. in the girlie GoGo Soi 13/4 itself.
Tahitian Queen GoGo :
This is possibly one of the first GoGo bars in Pattaya and still going strong. Located on Beach Road itself , just before the overhead turn off sign to Lek Hotel (Soi 13). Specialises in rock n roll music , has bar snacks. Your beer Bt100 , LD (Ladies Drink) Bt100 , open 1pm - 1am. If your up that way , worth a peek at least. Some like it.
Soi 13/3 (Soi Pattayaland.1.)
Next soi up (north) from 13/4. Where apparently you will find about three or more girlie GoGo Bars. Boy Bars on the rise in this Soi too. Obviously gays like Pattaya : )
Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office)
This is known more as a "Blow Job" street. See details in above Beer Bars info.
Soi 13/1 (Soi Yamato)
Next soi up from 13/3. Very hazy on this one, but I think it had a small number of Go-Go's in it (?). Too lazy to check it out. Far from the other action described above. GoGo's can be here there and everywhere.
Soi 8
Apparently , nowadays x 2 Go-Go's in this Beer Bar Street. Did not check it out. Too far away for my likes.
Soi 7
Possibly x 2 Go-Go's , not sure. Did not check it out.
Soi 2
Need to catch a motorbike taxi to it. Too far away for me , Flamingo Bar is apparently popular. Also apparently x 1 Go-Go there too , nowadays. Never personally been there. Walking Street action area is enough for aged and vulnerable me.
Other venues for SEX with HOOKERS
PATTAYA Thailand :
Sex Massage Parlours :
Bangkok is the place for a big choice , not Pattaya.
Note - after having been serviced by a MP girl , it is possible to make secret after hours arrangements at discounted rates ie after 1am (night) or before 1pm (day). Make those arrangements in the privacy of the massage room , not in the view of mama/papa-san's.
Generally speaking massage hours are 1pm to 1am.
Sabai Room for sex Massage :
Pattaya 2nd Rd, ( 78/20 Pattaya 2nd Rd ) on a corner (possibly Soi.3. corner , lost notes). Big white building with pillars. See Update below , before reading.
Opposite side of that corner (not opposite side of the street) is Central Pattaya Festival , biggest Shopping Centre in Pattaya, includes Big C Shopping Mall. Everyone knows "Big C". Baht 10 (max) Songthaew from Beach Road.
Ladies , after sundown , are Baht 1500/1800 (90 mins to 2hrs) 60/80 girls at any one time. Before sundown , Baht 1200/1500 might be feasible. Good standard, some beauties. You can sit and drink beer at tables, perv and then select. Also pos to talk to prospective lady at the table for 5 mins before deciding. For my money, one of the better Massage Parlours in Pattaya. Good Mama/Papa-sans. Phone : 038.361475. Fax 38.429170
Update : New owner/management. Place has been upgraded.
After exiting Sabai Room , hop directly across the road to the Beers Bars , nice cuties working there : )
Sabailand also for sex Massage :
Standing out the front of Sabai Room and looking across Pattaya 2 Road to the corner on your right is Sabailand. It's directly opposite Central Pattaya Festival in a non descript low level white building on the corner of Soi.3. This place is smaller in size and usually less girls than Sabai Room but some pretty ones, nevertheless @ Bt1600 room and girl , all inclusive , 90mins. Make sure what they are quoting is for both the room and the gal , before you hand over any money. On and off I hear about Papa-san trying to con customers telling them the Bt1600 is only for the room. Do not fall for that. Walk a little further up the road to "Sabai Dee" (info below) if he tries that one on you. Naturally a modest tip of Bt1/200 is expected by the gal , if she provides good service. But no one will stop you from giving more : ) Update .... On a later trip , yes still the same problem , only small number of girls , six when I visited , and no customers.
All of this info belongs to :
Sabai Dee hooker sex Massage :
Located just up from Sabailand , same side of the road (Pattaya 2 Road) , in a Northerly direction , possibly two blocks up. It's a huge building , particularly tall. Some say the rooms are better , bigger selection of girls and they are younger. On my visit to the place I did not notice the 'younger' factor , but quite a good selection on hand and other customers were around at the time , a good sign. Suggest you check this one out first. Update : Some negative reports coming in about this place. Can't be sure if reports accurate or not. Reco : Have a quick look , wont cost you anything.
Grapevine is telling me Sabai Dee is the best one nowadays. Popularity order : 1. Sabai Dee .2. Sabailand. 3. Sabai Room Subjective ... you might not like any of them. Bangkok for Massage Parlours.
At Sabai Dee , reportedly you pay the girl directly for the massage and sex. Negotiate price before you take her into the room (important) . Around Bt1000/1200 girl , Baht 400/600 for room. All up the cost of everything should be in the vicinity of Baht1800 and so similar to the cost in the other MP's mentioned above. This should be all sorted out before you trot off to the room with the girl - 'way to go' , especially if your a newbie.
Sabai Dee is the go right now (see update above). Do not expect too much , Bangkok has a much bigger choice and thus better , but Sabai Dee is the best bet whilst in Pattaya. However , as I said before , have a look at all three before choosing a gal.
TeenDream Massage : Soi 21 off Buakhao Road. Masssage/Room : Bt400. Plus extra's such as : Hand Job Bt500 , Blow Job Bt1000 , Full Sex Bt1500. Google for website. Popular.
Honey Massage : Relatively new and currently popular , all up , room and girls Bt1800 and Bt2500. Location : Soi 11 , off Pattaya 2nd Road. Google it. Motorbike taxis will know it. Perhaps try this one and TeenDream before the others mentioned above ? Update : Yes , try it first , got intel on it .... looks good.
These can be cheaper.
Note : Very few utilise the following places , so whether or not they are still in biz is not known ....
Nancy Body Massage - 111/208 Moo 10, South Pattaya Road.
Happy - A bit North of Naklua Road from the Naklua and North Pattaya Rd to your right. Hopefully a motorbike taxi can get you there.
Heaven/Nancy's - Sukhumvit Rd ( 149/352-61 Moo 9 Sukhumvit Rd) 10/15 min by taxi.
PP Body Massage - 92/26-28 Moo 9 Soi Jirapol , 3rd Road.
Freelance Hookers - young Women :
1. On the Street
These untraceable girls are higher risk re theft from rooms and STD's etc. But plenty of guys 'indulge'.
Walking Street :
Standing around on the footpath whilst potential customers pass by. Girls here are usually better quality than the Beach Promenade (see below) girls and consequently charge more , eg , Baht500/700/1000 ST , Baht1000/1500 LT. The less attractive girls seem to stand still on the side of the road (walking street by night) , same spot , all night. The more attractive ones seem to like walking up and down Walking St , entering/exiting Disco's etc. Smile at a nice one walking by and see if she will stop and negotiate. More attractive ones do not want to advertise that they are an outright street hooker by standing still in one spot , prefer to pretend they are heading somewhere : ) And they are more likely to expect Bt1000 ST and Bt1500 LT . Make sure its a hooker , your about to talk price too ! Beware of katoeys (she-men) parading or working in Walking St.
Remember , back in your room , untraceable street hookers (and Disco freelancers) are a security risk. Secure your valuables.
In addition to street hookers , Simon (beer) Bar in Walking St , just down from Marine Disco , has 150-300 girls on tap , some quite attractive and very fuckable. Think they might cost a little more than Soi 8 type of beer bar girls , not sure. Good environment here , better girls than the stand-by types , who can not get a job at a place like Simon because they dont have ID , or are not as attractive etc. Simon girls are traceable , street ones are not.
Beach Promenade :
Also known as "Coconut Bar" .. lots of coconut trees along beach promenade.
Local Mayor is trying to eliminate these beach promenade hookers. Not a good look for Pattaya Mayor , who is trying to attract mum and dad tourists : ) Result so far ... numbers of hookers down , but not totally eliminated. Girls can be around there during the day. Some say 7pm to 11pm best time. After that risk of Police raids = very few if any girls to be sighted. If raids off , girls are on , till late.
Location : Coming from South , at end of Walking St (Tourist Booth) sea-side , for another 1/2 kms on same sea-side of road there are girls hanging around. When you see the Royal Garden Plaza Shopping Centre on the opposite side of the road , you know your in the right area. These are lower end of scale girls normally , and a greater security risk (room). Exceptions prevail from time to time , eg an attractive well behaved gal : )
Beach Road girls are not so attractive normally , more desperate for a dollar , and so more willing to do 'unusual' things , eg anal , allow pics etc. Explain courteously your requirements beforehand , and price. Usually they keep to their side of the deal. Watch your valuables : )
Note : Sometimes beach road is congested with 'native' stalls selling kitsch. When this happens , beach road girls are hard to find.
Max prices here ... ST Bt500 , LT Bt700/1000 (depends if girl young/attractive). Watch your valuables and do not accept any food or drinks from these girls , might be drugged. Safest is ST (one shag) , not overnight (LT).
My suggestion is , do not patrol this area after say 11pm for girls , useless , head for the well populated and safer area of the Walking Street stand-by hookers. And do not patrol after 11/12 midnight on the sparsely populated beach road strip itself , chance of a street robbery by katoeys (she-men) late at night or early in the morning.
Always keep watch for the Street Ladyboys/Katoeys. They become active once the entertainment (1am) curfew sets in. Some of them rob with violence. Early a.m. stay in populated areas , especially if under the influence of alcohol. 1am on , the less populated streets of Pattaya (and anywhere else) are potentially dangerous. Normally , Walking Street stays heavily populated , and therefore safe , to 2/3am and even later.
3. Bamboo Bar : Facing the archway 'Walking St' sign , to your left and about 3 shops up is a Freelance hangout called the Bamboo Bar. 10/11pm action starts. Place fills up. Worth checking out.
4. Shopping Malls : These girls consider themselves a level above the Beach Promenade etc girls and thus expect Bt1000 Short Time (ST). Yet , some might be beach road hookers who missed out night before. Not many Shopping Mall Molls normally , but worth keeping your eye out for them , especially if you need some shopping therapy. More likely to get shopping therapy at Malls than sexual therapy : )
At the Disco's :
For me the best freelancers are to be found in the Disco's.
Make sure you try Lucifers and Insomnia Disco's.
Tony's Disco .... In Walking St , opposite Simon Beer Bar Complex (see above notes). I had quite extensive info on this one , removed it , cause on one trip it looked like the place was being demolished. Now , hear guys saying its open. In the past had a reputation of being too expensive , and rip offs re change etc. Ask "how much" before entering/ordering , at Tony's , if its back : )
Lucifers Hooker Disco
Always talked about , always popular. I have seen many a honey enter Lucifers.
Located in walking street and possibly your best bet. Located just a little north of Marine Disco (see Marine info below) and on same side of street. Opposite P2 Restaurant and bar. 11pm to 2am for best chance. Beer at bar outside Bt130/150 , not cheap , but place to grab a cutie before she gets lost in the big crowd inside disco itself. Alternatively sit opposite street at P72 Bar where the beer is Bt80/90 and you'll see what talent goes in and out of Lucifers. This is the disco place in Walking Street to recruit a cutie. Disco priorities would be : Lucifers and Insomnia. I would say. Disco girls are normally 'all night' cause you quite often recruit them after midnight anyway. Baht1000 to Baht1500 is the norm depending whether she is a looker , and your appeal to the girl. You might be that hot that you get it for free : ) Update : Lucifers is still popular and packed. Only problem , very dark inside , hard to properly assess the girl (and them assess you : ) Great location , half way along Walking Street..
Somewhere past Lucifers in Walking St there is another Disco called : Mixx Disco. Might be worth checking out.
On the same side as Lucifers we come to ..........
Marine1 pick up Disco -
First disco in Pattaya , was there in 1978 , my first trip to Pattaya/Thailand.
Whilst in Walking Street , you might like to check this one out. Starts to come alive after midnight , more likely after 1/2am.
Location : Walking Street. To find it, follow these instructions - Coming from a northerly direction along Beach Rd, you first past the Pier on your right, then all traffic 7pm on' is diverted left along South Pattaya Rd. You do not turn left, alight at the corner of Beach Rd and South Pattaya Rd and walk down the continuation of Beach Rd which is now called Walking Street , under the big arching sign 'walking st'. Keep walking until you see Marine Disco and Marina Bar on your right. (Lucifers before Marine on same side).
Be on the alert for katoeys in Disco's (possible , but doubtful , normally not allowed inside).
Marine Disco is the longest established pick up disco in Pattaya. Its got some hot competition nowadays from places like Lucifers Disco (see above) and Insomnia (see below). Nevertheless its pretty active starting after midnight on. Currently closing 3am (subject to authorities). No entrance fee , but beers were Baht 90 when I was there , early one night (Happy Hour ?) , suggest they might have increased to beyond Bt100 by now. Regarding the Ladies - Baht 1000 to Baht 1500 , see above "Lucifers" same prices all disco's. This was the first and only Disco full of honey's when I arrived in Pattaya 1978. Much better then. You sat around the dance floor elevated. Dancing below you , like in gladiator days : )
Note : There is supposed to be a Marine2 Disco on the opposite side of the street. On my numerous trips to Pattaya , I have never seen it : )
Lucifers , and Insomnia are preferred by most girls. But same girls drift from one disco to another , just like you do : )
Lucifers and Marine are within 2 mins walking distance of each other.
All of this info belongs to :
Insomnia Disco for Sex :
Popular nowadays.
As the name implies , suitable for Night Owls especially 1/2am onwards. Gets crowded. Not in Walking Street , some distance away. This one takes off when Lucifers starts to fade. Very popular with the hooker girls. 1.30am to 3.30am key period to recruit someone here. Goes to 5am and maybe beyond. Full of after hours gogo girls and whoever , looking for dick and money : )
From Walking Street , catch a motorbike taxi to it. Well known place. A convenient and profitable disco tour would be : Lucifers , possibly Mixx (see above) , then off to Insomnia on a motorbike taxi (Identification : drivers wear yellow safety jackets).
Note .. These very late closing places sometimes get raided by police and folks , including foreigners , are tested for drugs etc". Some say front door goons are aggressive , if you start to become a problem.
Other Disco's for picking up Women :
Update : Don't hear a lot about the following two nowadays = not a good sign.
1. X-ZYTE Disco. Apparently it has a good stage show and Ladies of the Night like to be taken there. But no reports that it is a good place for picking up unatched hookers. Location - Third Road on corner of Soi Drarin (address supplied by a 3rd party). Motorcycle taxis and tuk tuk's will know it. Alternatively , search Google.
2. Hollywood Disco - is supposedly a mix of good girls and semi pro girls. Next trip I will check it out. If that is so , expect to pay much more for sex here. And make sure who you are talking to , before talking money (pro or non pro ?). Apparently LON's like to take you there cause there will be little or no competition/poaching from other hooker girls. It might be a bit of a katoey hangout too. Actual street I don't know , but if you take the road in between Big C Mall and Sabai Room Massage Parlour and turn right into a Soi near or at the end , then down that Soi on left you will find Hollywood Disco. Simpler : Just say "Hollywood Disco"(Big C) to a motorbike taxi and he'll take you straight there , no problems.
All of this info belongs to :
3.Other Freelancer places :
Following two should not be high on your hit list. Weak efforts .....
1. Hard Rock Cafe - In Beach Road , between Soi.7 and Central Road. Because of my negative (non productive) experience with the Bangkok Hard Rock Cafe (and Manila HR Cafe) , I did not go there. Similar attitude as in Bangkok , viz : "I'm cool , kiss my ass" : ) Weekends it's supposed to be in the ok category for pick ups.
2. Pattaya Beer Garden - A relative newcomer trying to establish itself. Based on Bangkok Bier Garten/Beer Garden = Freelancers. Entered the place , quite big , reasonably catered for , both males and females , but cut off from the excitement of Walking Street. Location overlooking the sea. Entrance down a narrow sort of hallway near Walking St arch (sea side) and where they have ThaI boxing. Not a high priority , not enough 'excitement' for me. Check :
Miscellaneous Sex places :
Note : (a) and (b) is old info , do not know if its current.
Daytime naughties , reportedly starting as early as 11am , can be had at :
(a) The Blind Beggar (formerly known as The Winchester Club) , Soi Wat , Jomtien Beach. Taxi drivers still know it as the 'Winchester Club'. This is a fairly popular short time air con Hotel that serves a free all day Buffet on Sundays. Sex - Baht 500ST to the girl plus Baht 250 for bar fine , which incls a room. Website : , but reportedly out of date. Email them if you have any queries. Update ... Havent heard anything about this place for a long time. Still there ?
(b)Think ....... "Welkom Inn" , Soi.3. , has the same daylight service too as the 'Blind Beggar' , not absolutely sure about that. BBBJ all up (girl , room tip) around Bt700. This place is also known by its nickname as : The Belgium Embassy : ) Update ... Havent heard anything about this place for a long time either. Still there ? Website for up to date info :
(c) The forest or 'woods'. Hard to explain location , at southern end of walking street. Ask for GoKarts track , find that , and opposite small number of ladies hang around. Reportedly got native 'shacks' in amongst trees. Ugliest and oldest women on earth , say Baht100 blow job , Bt200 short time. Wear dark glasses so you can not see them. Sleaze/skanks taken to the max : )
Another direction I have read : "Up the hill towards Jomtien, turn right before the tourist police. There are usually women there 24 hours a day".
End of venues info re SEX with HOOKERS
PATTAYA Thailand
Next on our Menu : Patong (Phuket). Pattaya and Bangkok superior to Patong/Phuket , by the way.