Superbugs could kill 10mn per year by 2050, more than cancer – study • View topic - Superbugs could kill 10mn per year by 2050, more than cancer – study
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Superbugs could kill 10mn per year by 2050, more than cancer – study

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 9:57 am
by admin_pornrev
Superbugs could kill 10mn per year by 2050, more than cancer – study

FROM: ... -millions/

Published time: December 11, 2014 12:43

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China, Health, History, India, Medicine, SciTech, Science, UK

Superbugs with a high resistance to antibiotics could kill 10 million people worldwide each year by 2050 unless more action is taken, a study has warned. The figure is higher than the global impact of cancer, which currently kills 8.2 million.

The Review into Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), released on Thursday, found the cost of tackling the global health problem could reach a staggering $100 trillion a year.
Antibiotic-resistant bugs are currently responsible, or implicated in, 700,000 deaths every year.

Former Goldman Sachs Economist and leading researcher Jim O’Neill told the BBC: “To put that in context, the annual GDP [gross domestic product] of the UK is about £3 trillion, so this would be the equivalent of around 35 years without the UK contribution to the global economy.”

Prime Minister David Cameron commission the report in July in an attempt to raise global awareness of the growing problem, and instigate more action from world leaders.

O’Neill said the problem would have the greatest impact in counties in the BRIC and MINT blocs (Brazil, Russia, India, China and Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey respectively). He hoped the report would foster “bold, clear and practical long term solutions.”

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AFP Photo Pascal Pavani.png (520.83 KiB) Viewed 66053 times

AFP Photo/Pascal Pavani

The report acknowledges that the human impact and growing number of deaths ought to be enough to spark international action, but says the grim economic forecast “transcends health policy.”

Should the rise of AMR cause death levels to soar, the fall in population would reduce global economic output by between 2 and 3.5 percent.

Modeling of the spread of AMR, by KPMG and RAND Europe, studied three main bacteria: K pneumonia, E coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These were selected from a pool of seven highly resistant bugs flagged up by the World Health Organization.

They also found that HIV, malaria and tuberculosis pose a significant threat to global health if resistant diseases continue to remain unexamined.

The report predicted that in some developing countries, where microbial resistance is already a huge problem, the number of deaths would rise significantly. In India and China, AMR deaths could increase to 2 and 1 million respectively.

The study warned that Africa would “suffer greatly” and in countries such as Nigeria, the rate of AMR deaths could be as high as one in four.

O’Neill said that there was scope to act, and said that with proper support from the international community and coherent global action, the bleak human and economic forecast could be altered.

“With modern technology and the right focus and right guidance, by trying to leverage the world’s greatest technology for diagnostics, it would probably make significant difference to the pressure for use of antibiotics,” he said.

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kealy sessy

• Google " Emini S&P Trading Secret", it's about trading emini s&p, you won't regret it, these guys are doing it right by me.
• about 2 hours agoReply

Frank Blangeard

• Everyone has to die of something.
• about 2 hours agoReply

Laika Lammerink

• What about the awful, ugly factory farming business? In Western countries, these businesses use 80% of all antibiotics used. Let's blame it on Russia.
• about 6 hours agoReply

Furio Giunta

• What a convenient way for elites to keep the population of poor people in check or otherwise for the pharma corporations to make billions
• about 6 hours agoReply


• I mean, come on they are definately Apple Pies. Heated in the oven ready to be served with a generous helping of custard
• about 7 hours agoReply

Fred Sleepwalker

• There is medication that kills almost every bacteria and it was used in ww1 already! It is just not allowed in the EU because the pharma industry can not patent virals and the medication simply consists of virals who eat the bacteria and leave your body after they are gone. The therapy is called bakteriophage!!! Look it up and share the info ;) Question everything!!! Why are you keep deleting my post??
• about 7 hours agoReply


• I thought these were Apple Pies
• about 7 hours agoReply

Fred Sleepwalker

• There is medication that kills bacteria and it was used in ww1 already! It is just not allowed in the EU because the pharma industry can not patent virals and the medication simply consists of virals who eat the bacteria and leave your body after they are gone. The therapy is called bakteriophage!!! Look it up and share the info ;) Question everything!!!
• about 7 hours agoReply

Fred Sleepwalker

• That is bollox, because there medication to kill bacteria and it was used in ww1 already! It is just not allowed in the EU because the pharma industry can not patent virals and the medication simply consists of virals who eat the bacteria and leave your body after they are gone. The therapy is called bakteriophage!!! Look it up and share the info ;) Pharma companies dont want to heal but treat you forever with medicine that has like a dozend or more side effects. Question everything!!!
• about 7 hours agoReply

Fred Sleepwalker

• That is bollox, because there medication to kill bacteria and it was used in ww1 already! It is just not allowed in the EU because the pharma industry can not patent virals and the medication simply consists of virals who eat the bacteria and leave your body after they are gone. The therapy is called bakteriophage!!! Look it up and share the info ;) Question everything!!!
• about 7 hours agoReply


• Sounds like the US germ warfare bunch has been hard at work with the drug companies.
• about 8 hours agoReply

o LOL! I was just about to put, "I'm surprised Russia doesn't blame THIS on America" -- but you already did... darn...
o about 7 hours agoReply

David Nightingale

• Don't worry if the superbugs don't destroy us the e.u will.
• about 8 hours agoReply


• Money should be spent on curbing population growth worldwide in addition to stopping disease. Every advance in disease control will result in population growth and resource depletion unless a balance is reached.
• about 9 hours agoReply
Fred Sleepwalker

o How about we stop using a system that is based on wasting ressources rather than conserving them instead of letting billions of people die? Think outside the box. RBE is the key!
o about 7 hours agoReply

jew Mythbuster10

• You can thank 'modern medicine' for the mess we're in.
• about 10 hours agoReply


• I'm not for tightening restrictions on peoples movements, but subscriping somebody anti-biotics should put them of watch until the dose is finished. Too many old hags and stuck up noses think they can munch anti-biotics like candy, and finish when they feel like it. PArt of it is the doctor/prescribers fault, but the patients should be put under close watch while taking them to make sure they continue taking them. If anything is to be a criminal offence, stopping anti-biotics early should be for endangering the lives of others.
• about 10 hours agoReply

Neamatullah Neamat

• Last year in India 45K children(new born) died due to sepsis and pneumonia alone for drug resistant super bug.
• about 13 hours agoReply
Don't believe everything you read!

o People in India die from many things. Filth, poor medical care, rape and many other things.
o about 3 hours agoReply

Tony Maldonado

• Bio weapon. Agenda 21.
• about 13 hours agoReply


• While nutritional medicine is ignored and antibacterial drugs doled out like sweets at first sign of the sniffles, the future of the NHS and the health of millions is in grave danger.
• about 15 hours agoReply

Steven Kalbach

• Well, I am in China at the moment and the super bug doesn't seem to be affecting the Chinese population any. Women get married and start repopulating at 22, The only super bug the west needs to worry about is the dumb bug.. Seems to be spreading rather quickly throughout the US and GB.
• about 15 hours agoReply

Goedelite Kurt

• Ruling circles in the western developed countries, in the US and EU, Australia, New Zealand, Japan do not care about human lives unless it affects their big banks and other major corporations. Otherwise, they consider themselves immune from such threats and think there are too many people, anyhow - that is my guess.
• about 15 hours agoReply

east Germany

• Ebola is faster
• about 16 hours agoReply
east Germany

o good ole days or which ?
o about 15 hours agoReply
Steven Kalbach

o @east Germany.......Reminiscing of the old days with your logo?
o about 15 hours agoReply
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