Celibacy could cause child abuse, landmark Catholic report admits Pornrevolution.net • View topic - Celibacy could cause child abuse, landmark Catholic report admits
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Celibacy could cause child abuse, landmark Catholic report admits

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:44 am
by admin_pornrev
Celibacy could cause child abuse, landmark Catholic report admits

FROM: http://rt.com/news/213755-catholic-celi ... ild-abuse/

Published time: December 12, 2014 09:39

AFP Photo - Thomas Coex.png
AFP Photo - Thomas Coex.png (141.83 KiB) Viewed 66040 times

Australia, Children, Crime, Religion, Sex, Vatican

Obligatory celibacy could have contributed to child sex abuse in the Catholic Church, a group of Australian archbishops has admitted, becoming the first-ever Catholic institution to publicly acknowledge the potential link.

What used to be mostly voiced by the critics of the church has now been, albeit cautiously, formulated by its leaders.

“Obligatory celibacy may also have contributed to abuse in some circumstances,” concedes the report, which was released on Friday by the Truth, Justice and Healing Council, which includes the archbishops of Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra and Adelaide.

The council’s conclusion is based on two years of research. Eight hearings were held, 50 witnesses’ testimonies were heard and 160,000 church documents examined.

READ MORE: Ex-Holy See ambassador faces 1st Vatican child sex abuse trial

“We’ve got to ask the question about whether celibacy was an added and an unbearable strain for some,” the council’s chief executive, Francis Sullivan, said according to The Australian.

“It doesn’t mean that celibacy needs to be eradicated — let’s not turn the church on its head — but we are saying you can’t have an honest and open discussion about the future without having an honest and open discussion about celibacy. We are placing celibacy on the table.”

The report says “psychosexual training” for priests could be enough to prevent child abuse in church.

AFP Photo - Bertrand Guay.png
AFP Photo - Bertrand Guay.png (700.64 KiB) Viewed 66040 times

The Australian study is in sharp contrast to US research in 2011, which found no connection between celibacy and child abuse.

"The rise in abuse cases was influenced by social factors in society generally," said the report, commissioned by the American Catholic church and carried out by the New-York based John Jay
College of Criminal Justice.

Critics then questioned if a study commissioned by the church and based on data provided by the church could actually be trusted.

READ MORE: UN committee on torture slams Vatican over child sex abuse

The Australian branch is being overwhelmingly self-critical in its report, which focused on what clerics did wrong to let abuse happen.

Sullivan said it was important that the church “had the guts” to acknowledge it has abused its power, including in dealing with sex scandals.

“Church leaders, over many decades, seemed to turn a blind eye, either instinctively or deliberately, to the abuse happening within their diocese or religious order, protecting the institution rather than caring for the child,” the report says.

READ MORE: 2% of Catholic priests are pedophiles – Pope

Victims of child sexual abuse are skeptical that the report can actually change the church’s attitude to the issue, citing previous difficulties in trying to attain justice.

"The redress in a lot of cases was absolutely disgraceful and very very devious, and done in such a way to exploit the vulnerability and the damage that survivors had already suffered," Nicky

Davis from the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests told ABC.

by Taboola
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Jack Johnson

• The Catholic church funds a "study" that concludes it wasn't their fault? Hmm. I suppose that this study also shows that celibacy would never lead to, umm, normal sex with women? Or is it like the homosexual groups paying for a "study" claiming their actions are "because they were born that way?" Or the Tobacco companies funding reports, or the Drug Companies funding studies for, or the .. I guess God wants you all to let this thing go so they can get back to doing what they do best. Controlling you.
• 4 minutes agoReply

Jeremy Reagan

• Priests and Nuns need love as well. Oh and the Church in the 600s made up the no sex deal for land and Wealth.
• 21 minutes agoReply


• Where do Michael Jackson fit in all this
• an hour agoReply


• 1st Time I've heard that child abuse relates to celebacy. It was a problem with the Anglicans (married) about 100 years ago. The vicars were defrocked & handed over to the law, which IMO was the correct & Christian way to deal with it.. Also paedophilia is just as common in the married in the laity. IMO The RC paedophilia cover up was a terrible betrayal on all fronts. A betrayal of the children, & a betrayal of their faith. RC celebacy always struck me as odd because S.Peter was married!
• an hour agoReply

Prof Zvezdochkin

• Finally... They worked it out. No need to be a rocket scientist to see that a sexually deprived man will be a constant danger to others, especially someone so vulnerable as children. Russian Orthodox Church took more sensible approach - a priest MUST be married, to be a priest.
• an hour agoReply


• The sex abuse crisis can be laid squarely at the feet of (Homosexual Clergy) and their (Allies) in the Church. 85 percent of the cases were homosexual priests preying on teenage boys. – regardless of how establishment types like to spin it otherwise. These Men (Clergy) if one can call them that are not men of the church they may have worked with-inn it at a point in time i guess some still do But they do there Father will the Devil. Relaxing the teaching on Celibacy I.E letting priests marry a woman would of not made much different in my point of view.
• an hour agoReply

Laurie Smith

• these are creatures of Satan....they are NOT holy men but a demented essence of Satan that sexually exploit children- sickos...where is the outcry from these institutions that have been taken over by darkness...this is Satan's world and everyday we see more and more of what utter failures they are...sickos in the churches of Satan really....dark matter acting like their father
• an hour agoReply


• "Celibacy could cause child abuse" This Headline is a LIE and the bishops from the Truth, Justice and Healing Council, which includes the archbishops of Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra and Adelaide are APOSTATES. The bible talks about the great Apostasy that is going to happen at the END TIMES. Welll these Apostates bishops are nothing more than liars and apostates. This issue of sexual abuse began in the 20th Century with men who entered seminaries with the intension to destroy the Church from within and it helped also that rectors in Catholic seminaries were had become liberals and became careless about the kind of men they were allowing to become priests. The Church has had celibate priesthood for many many centuries it is impossible if you study history that there was no records of sexual abuse back then. The headline is a lie which is meant to deceive those who don't know Church and World History and who don't understand Church teaching of Priestly Celibacy which very closely connected with Christ since He too was celibate.
• an hour agoReply

o The apostasy of the Roman Catholic Church began in 1054 (even earlier), when it separated from the true (Orthodox) Church. From then on they have promoted many untraditional and unhealthy innovations, of which the misguided abomination of mandatory priestly celibacy is merely one.
o an hour agoReply

Laurie Smith

• NO...a sick demented mind causes child sex abuse...these so called holymen are nothing but creatures of Satan...this is Satan's world and they are all a part of it...religion does not teach spiritual independent health, how to love one another in true love NOT this sicko kind of love...they are darkness like their father....
• an hour agoReply

Ali Khalifah

• this is why Islam always prescribes marriage and commands to get married as soon as possible.
• about 2 hours agoReply
Jack Johnson

o To as many underage girls or relatives as possible?
o minute agoReply
Ali Begic

o Yes with girls at the age of 9, like Mohamad did.
o about 2 hours agoReply

Ali Begic

• Thta is nonsense.
• about 2 hours agoReply


• The key words here are "could have" and "may have" contributed to abuse. It depends on the moral strength of the individual who takes up the call to celibacy. It can not be laid at the door of celibacy as a godly practise. Any sexual abberation is a breach of the vow and is the sin of the individual, not of the church.
• about 2 hours agoReply

o but the churches are run by humans/individuals ;D
o about 2 hours agoReply


• Real connections/circular loop: money AND power/ego AND sex AND violence/preys! without consequences!!! The worst things about these sexual abuses are not the physical injuries as much as the children's loss of innocence, fragile trust/self-esteem, cognitive dissonance, secretive Alienation("dirty" in a such a holly house)...
• about 3 hours agoReply

Jim Oksvold

• The clueless incompetents are at it again. Read up on The Human Tone Scale.
• about 3 hours agoReply


• Two things. (1) It takes 40 seconds of thought to arrive at this conclusion logically. (2) They took a personal recommendation from Paul in the Bible and turned it into an iron clad rule despite Paul himself stating it should not be an iron clad rule.
• about 3 hours agoReply

Sr. F ☭

• Don't you tell!
• about 4 hours agoReply

Eliza Tan

• Catholic church will be partially closed before and during WW3. Cannot have mass at that time.
• about 4 hours agoReply
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