Pinnomans story of how he found happiness in the Philippines

Pinnomans reply to Dick Amateur's story about his 1st O/seas adventure, see here => viewtopic.php?f=2&t=47 And a little about how he found happyness in the Philippines
Hello Dick,
Great story, 14 hours to write it, wow, your dedicated aren’t you?
You certainly no “literary genius” but a good read, I enjoyed it!
Can’t entirely agree with you about pinno’s desperate to marry themselves out of poverty, well you don’t actually say they ALL are like that, do you?
Yes they are very poor in the Philippines, and yes many DO marry to get out of poverty, but still millions of GOOD women there. I have been happily married to a Philippine woman for 27 years.
When I 1st got her over to Australia, she wanted to go to school, I said why not, we were a bit short on cash for a few years while she, studied to be a nurse, Philippine woman are well suited to nursing, they really care about people. Nursing and for the men, the shipping business, they are the best at these professions in the world, I, and many believe.
Now she makes more money than me, I work at the Golden Circle Cannery in Brisbane in “Can Supply”. She did a few stints there on the “pine lines” it’s hard work, don’t know how they do it.
Plenty of hard working Asians in that place, let me tell you.
My wife and I have FANTASTIC sex, always have, for 29years.
We have WILD sex, screaming sex!
She has NEVER taken the pill, most in the Philippines are strict Catholic, 95% of the people, but don’t let that detract you. I’m an atheist, and she has no problem with that (anymore, ha ha)
They are “dead against” the Birth control Pill in the Philippines, family planning to them means “family planting” ha ha ha
They are “LBFM’S“, Little Brown fucking Machines, that’s for sure.
They LOVE sex. I can’t keep up with my wife. We have 4 kids. The oldest girl is now a model. She’s beautiful.
Yes my wife is strict Catholic, but we still watch porn together, and have some WILD party’s, if you know what I mean We “swing” a little sometimes.
She still goes to church every Sunday, but doesn’t “preach” to me (anymore, ha ha), she stopped trying to preach to me the 1st few months, we meet. I respect her beliefs, and she, mine.
We have a beautiful holiday house in Boracay, a place voted as having the best beach in the world, it really is a beautiful place. We have WILD party’s in Boracay also
Our holiday’s in Boracay is where we REALLY have some fun.
Sure, they have some political problems in the Philippines, but it never bothers us.
Actually I really like how “passionate” they are about politics. Maybe it’s the Spanish blood in them that make them all revolutionary’s.
If something is going on, that they don’t like they get very proactive about it. It has kept their beautiful country FREE of what you call “open slather unregulated multinational investment”, actually I think it is the multinationals always causing the problems, with their “spy’s” always stirring the pot. Bribing or blackmailing the politicians
Whenever they try to start shit, the pinno’s are always right on to it and protesting, “Loud and proud”.
The multinationals hardly ever win in the Philippines.
Anyway, I love the place. Would recommend it to anyone.
Bye for now Dick.
Oh yea, I love my Dick too, ha ha ha
Great site, love your work
Hello Dick,
Great story, 14 hours to write it, wow, your dedicated aren’t you?
You certainly no “literary genius” but a good read, I enjoyed it!
Can’t entirely agree with you about pinno’s desperate to marry themselves out of poverty, well you don’t actually say they ALL are like that, do you?
Yes they are very poor in the Philippines, and yes many DO marry to get out of poverty, but still millions of GOOD women there. I have been happily married to a Philippine woman for 27 years.
When I 1st got her over to Australia, she wanted to go to school, I said why not, we were a bit short on cash for a few years while she, studied to be a nurse, Philippine woman are well suited to nursing, they really care about people. Nursing and for the men, the shipping business, they are the best at these professions in the world, I, and many believe.
Now she makes more money than me, I work at the Golden Circle Cannery in Brisbane in “Can Supply”. She did a few stints there on the “pine lines” it’s hard work, don’t know how they do it.
Plenty of hard working Asians in that place, let me tell you.
My wife and I have FANTASTIC sex, always have, for 29years.
We have WILD sex, screaming sex!
She has NEVER taken the pill, most in the Philippines are strict Catholic, 95% of the people, but don’t let that detract you. I’m an atheist, and she has no problem with that (anymore, ha ha)
They are “dead against” the Birth control Pill in the Philippines, family planning to them means “family planting” ha ha ha
They are “LBFM’S“, Little Brown fucking Machines, that’s for sure.
They LOVE sex. I can’t keep up with my wife. We have 4 kids. The oldest girl is now a model. She’s beautiful.
Yes my wife is strict Catholic, but we still watch porn together, and have some WILD party’s, if you know what I mean We “swing” a little sometimes.
She still goes to church every Sunday, but doesn’t “preach” to me (anymore, ha ha), she stopped trying to preach to me the 1st few months, we meet. I respect her beliefs, and she, mine.
We have a beautiful holiday house in Boracay, a place voted as having the best beach in the world, it really is a beautiful place. We have WILD party’s in Boracay also
Our holiday’s in Boracay is where we REALLY have some fun.
Sure, they have some political problems in the Philippines, but it never bothers us.
Actually I really like how “passionate” they are about politics. Maybe it’s the Spanish blood in them that make them all revolutionary’s.
If something is going on, that they don’t like they get very proactive about it. It has kept their beautiful country FREE of what you call “open slather unregulated multinational investment”, actually I think it is the multinationals always causing the problems, with their “spy’s” always stirring the pot. Bribing or blackmailing the politicians
Whenever they try to start shit, the pinno’s are always right on to it and protesting, “Loud and proud”.
The multinationals hardly ever win in the Philippines.
Anyway, I love the place. Would recommend it to anyone.
Bye for now Dick.
Oh yea, I love my Dick too, ha ha ha
Great site, love your work